Thursday, October 14, 2010

China Report Shows More Population In Waterways
This article is about how in 2007 in China there is now twice as much pollution in waterways. The most disturbing report in the census is most of the discharge is from chemical oxygen demand. The discharge totaled up to 30.3 million tons in 2007. The vice minster of environmental protection said that the census had counted 13.2 million tons from agriculture effluents and 342600 tons of discharge from landfills. It is estimated that the lakes and rivers can only handle 7.4 million tons a year on chemical oxygen demand. A lot of farmers are just dumping there wastes into the lakes and rivers around them. A lot of people knew that China was in bad shape when it came to pollution but now there are numbers to prove it. The China government is trying to figure out a way to solve this problem.
Opinion: I think China better figure this out fast. You can't live like that. China has a lot of problems but I think this should be at the top of the list. People could start to die if they start drinking that water. It's on the side of the road like you see in the picture. It looks gross and is bad for the earth and your health.
3 questions:
1. Where else would farmers put there waste if the government made them stop?
2. We always read about how China has lots of problems right now, should this be at the top of the list to fix?
3. How would you stop this if you were in the Chinese government?


  1. In my opinion the factories should stop throwing chemical wastes into the water, the Chinese government has to make laws that people can respect and follow and give away high penalties to someone that does not follow the laws. What i don't understand is that china has the largest population of people in the world, why does the government cant protect the citizens from diseases and other illnesses that might appear from poisoning the water that they eventually drink.

    I choose to answer question number 1 :
    1. The farmers should recycle their waste and garbage and use it for their daily living, they can use put in on the soil as fertilizers and sent to recycle other materials that doesn't has any use in their farms. The government should help them recycle and to do the right choice!

  2. I agree that this extreme pollution should be at the top China's list of priorities. All this waste is affecting the humans because the water is contaminated and harmful to drink. However, most of the animals in heavily polluted areas in China have probably died! The biodiversity in China must be very low right now because all these species of animals cannot live in these bad conditions. The people of China should be aware of the affect every one of them is having on the environment. The government should definately set up laws to be environmentally friendly and recycle whatever you can.

    three new questions:
    1. How many humans die per year from contaminated water?
    2. Why does China have such a large population?
    3. If you lived in China what would you do to make the people in your area aware of the importance of recycling?

  3. I agree that this is a very serious problem and that China should defintely have this pretty high up on it's list for environmental problems to fix. With such a large population, the country has to be concerned about just how much of their population will be affected by this mass water pollution and how they can fix it. Also the fact that the pollution levels are so high is seriously affecting our environment and as we all know, environmental problems in one area of the world can affect the rest of the world as well.

    If I were in the Chinese government, I would definitely put fines on things like dumping waste into drinking water and not removing hazerdous materials correctly. With so many people at risk, something obviously has to be done. I would also try adn find the money to do checks on the public drinking water to make sure that the people are drinking water that is okay for them and won't cause them any harm.

  4. I strongly agree with you. I think it is rediculous that the government is doing nothing to stop or facilitate this disaster. Since china is already overpopulated, how will 2 times the harmful contaminents in water be good for anyone. If i were part of the government i would start trying to help and make fund raisers. I think that it is also the farmers fault. They are destroying all of their water by ruining it.

    Here some new questions.
    1. If you were a farmer would you take this crisis seriously or continue doing what you do to provide for your family?
    2. Should china put this at the top of their priority list?
    3. If you were starting a fund raiser, what are some things you would say to get people to commit and donate to your fund? would you use pity, sympathy, or the cold hard truth?
