Monday, October 4, 2010

Draw up enadangered tiger species by 2022 ?

A meeting in Bali was held, with representitives from over 13 countries to come up with a plan to double the endangered tiger species by 2022. The meeting was held to come up with a program so that Indonesia could double the amount of tigers. The WWF said that there were about 2300 tigers in thw world today - 400 of which are the endangered Sumarian tigers. Indonesia has developed a system where they allow wealthy people to adopt tigers and they care for them and pay for their wellbeing. Although the country has been critized for this, anything is better than the tigers being killed by poachers.

I definitely think that this is the kind of thing that we need to be doing for endangered animals. Breeding and protecting them so that they can continue to thrive in their habitats. Even if this involves adopting out the species so that they can be better taken care of, if we help, these species will be able to thrive and live on. We need to help them though because otherwise they WILL die out.

1. How do you think they'll increase the tiger population?
2. Do you think it's right to adopt out the endangered tigers to other people?
3. Is there another specific species that you can think of taht's in this same postion ?


  1. I think the plan to double the endangered tiger species by 2022 is a great idea. I cannot believe that there is only 2300 tigers that are left! I think Indonesia is smart to have the animals be adopted by wealthy people. If they are left in the wild, their population will be at risk for extinction from competition, harsh environments, poachers, etc. The list of threats is endless. What we need to start doing is housing these animals and breeding them to slowly get the population of tigers to rise over time.

  2. In my opinion the act that the Indonesian government does is very important for the world, because if the tigers would really extinct in 2020, we are still gonna be alive and we are gonna suffer from that particular extinction. I cant believe that only 2300 tigers are alive today because this number is really low for other populations of animals, if they will extinct, their prey population is gonna grow and humans might be hurt from this.

    About you question number 2.
    2. I think it's wrong to give wealthy people tigers to be as pet because first no one is watching them so the wealthy people might kill all the tigers for fur, and then no more tigers will be left.

  3. In my oppinion i think that it is great that there are people willing to pay for and help keep the tigers safe from poachers. I know that some people are bad and that they still poach them even though they are endangerd, i cant believe someone would do such a bad and dangerous thing. I hope that they are able to help make the population of the tigers thrive.

    Question 2-
    I think it is wrong because it could put the people that adpot them in danger. But i think it is their choice on weather or not they adopt it. I think you missunderstood it,i think by adopting it you send money for it to be cared for, fed and protected.

  4. I think that a meeting was set up just to talk about endangered species.The amount of tigers amazed me!The people in the meeting had a great idea about trying to double the amount of tiger endangered species.I think that people should not adpot them as a pet, but if it means sending money to help it is a great idea. No one should be able to have a tiger as a pet in there home. Overall, we need to do something before they all die out.
