Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chinas Population Growing faster Than Need for Water

The article i read was about how the supply of water in china could not keep up with the large population of china. China is not able to dam or divret water fast enough to keep up with its very large, and very thirsty population. In northern china this year there have been recordings of 10 meter deep ( or about 33 feet deep) in peoples, dry dead farms. Many farmers are losing a lot of money on their crops because they cannot harvest in time for fear of bieng injured in the holes, and also for the lack of water. Either they water the farms or drink it to stay alive. 62% of chinas 51 reseviors have run completely dry. Reports say that over 2500000 people are short on drinking water. In south china over 600000 people were affected by their drought and more than 200000 animals died, including animals for food and animals that help on farms. Chinas government has many things to worry about but this may jump right up to number one on their fix list.
Opinion- I think that it is horrible that all these people are so short on water. i could not imagine having no water to drink let alone using it to wash dishes clean clothes and do more. I hope that the crisis in China is solved as quickly as possible. I am really worried that people may die from this drought. If i had a say in this i would solve the problem as quickly as possible.
1- If you had a say in this what would you do about this problem?
2- How are some ways that you would try to get yourself and your faimly through a drought?
3-How are some ways that you can help reduce the use of water in china? Do you think that the population has the biggest effect on the drought?


  1. In my opinion the Chinese government has to supervise on the supply of water in all of china.
    I'm sure that most of the water in china goes to the over populated cities and towns and they neglect the farmers which they think are not as equal rights as the people the live in the large cities. China has to support the farmers with more water because if they won't there might be a drastic change in their farms products that means, no more milk or even meat to eat because the farmers would not be able to support the animals because first they have to support themselves.

    3 new Question:
    1. If you could write a letter to the government of china, what would you tell them?
    2. How can people live with no water in a deserted area like farms in china?
    3. How this crisis of no water for farms can hurt eventually the big cities and population of china?

  2. I think it is extremely scary to know that people and animals are dying every day in other parts of the world because they do not have a stable water supply. I always think of how fortunate the US is to have a good water supply and I think China's government should try to get help with water from other countries like the US. China is just one of many places that have problems with a large population and water supply. Agriculture in China seems to be important because there are many farmers there. They need water to grow their crops and there is not enough water to grow crops, give to the animals, and to give people to drink. It is a terrible situation that I hope becomes resolved in the near future.

    3 more questions:
    1. Do you think farmers should be allowed to have more water?
    2. What do you think will happen when all of China's reseviors dry up?
    3. Do you think the prices of water in China are higher than the prices in the US?

  3. When I was reading this article I felt so bad for all these people in China without water. We turn on the tap not even thinking about it and waste water just to find the right tempature when there is people with our any water at all and could possibly be dying. The government of China should figure this out ASAP! Farmers need water to help them and their animals survive. They can't even water their plants anymore and that is there source for money. I think the reason for all this is China has too many people living there and not enough water.

    3 more question:
    Do you think it is fair to just blame China for the water problem?
    Do you think the problem is because of China's overpopulation?
    If you were a part of the government in China would this a major problem to focus on?

  4. I definitely think that this is a huge problem in China. Water is essential for humans to survive and I couldn't imagine having to wonder if I was going to have enough water for me and my family to survive for the day. The government should definitely be putting serious time and effort into this issue, considering that so many people's lives are at risk. If I were able to help in any way, I would try and take immediate action and help these people.

    3 more questions...
    1.) Do you think that a fair way to regulate the water would to be putting penelties on people who use too much water ?
    2.) Where else do you think a crisis like this could be happening ?
    3.) Do you feel that large corperations and businesses have a large part in this water shortage ?
