Tuesday, November 9, 2010

India's Tata group unveils two new variants of low-cost water purifiers

One of India's largest industrial groups recently released a more effiecient, and cheaper water filter for people to use to get their water clean. The new filter is priced at $16.60 as a opposed to the last cheapest - $20 - or other more expensive brands. The new filter also doesn't use electricy. A major problem with past water filters was that they required some kind of power source to run. THe majority of people that are in need of these filters barely have enough money to pay for clean water none the less electricity. People that didn't have electricity to use with these filters were forced to use the pollucted, unclean water that causes so many illnesses in this region.

I think that this is a great thing for the Tata Group to be focusing on. With water shortage and clean water scarcity being such a problem in that region, this company is making an extremely wise choice to give people a cheaper, better way to clean their water. When a life nessicity such as water comes into play, you really have to think about what it's going to take to get everyone the clean, unpolluted water that they need and I'm personally really glad that the Tata group is doing just that.

1.) If you could do something else to get people in India more clean water, what would it be ?
2.) Do you think that as making things becomes cheaper, we will be able to produce cheaper goods like this to poorer parts of the world ?
3.) Do you think that such a small object is going to have that large an effect on the slums of India ?



  1. I cannot believe that the majority of water filters are powered by electricity! In my opinion, we should use simple, but affective, water filters that do not use electricity. Not all people have access to electricity, as the article clearly states, and I wonder why many other companies have not thought of making filters that do not run on electricity because it would appeal to more buyers and it would probably be cheaper to produce, therefore the price of the product would be cheaper. Also, every bit of electricity that we use pollutes the environment. Using less electricity powered filters would be more eco-friendly. I support what Tata is doing and I hope that other companies that produce water filters follow suit.

    3 Questions:
    1. Why do companies produce water filters that use electricity when they don't have to?
    2. Are water filters powered by electricity more affective in cleaning water than filters that don't use electricity?
    3. Can the poor people in India afford to buy the water filter for $16.60 even though it is the cheapest filter?

  2. I think that the prices of the filters are still pretty high because the majority of India is poor and they have no money at all, so if each filter will cost 20 dollars, the families might not have any money and than they will have to suffer with no clean water, this is madness. I think they should give to each family at least one with free filter and try to provide for each village a working electricity circuit, and maybe it is time for India to get more advanced, because we live in a new century with much more options to our governments.

    About your question number 1.
    If i would like to provide more clean water,i would build pipes from each watershed to each village and that they will pass at least one water test before bring delivered. I would have give the filter for free and built more advanced cities and small communities.

  3. I complelety agree with Rachel! All of countries that are poor don't have electricity, why would they want to use electricity to solve this problem. I think that they should be something like battery operated. This new filter is every good idea. For your question number 3 Cass is that yes i think this small object will have a great affect on the population that doesn't have clean water. Something as simple as clean water in the US is so valueable to these people. I think mayne they should lower the prices so everyone can have one! With all the things we can do in the US government we should be able to give these people clean water for cheaper than what it is now.

  4. I really agree that it is great that Tata is working hard to make water clean for people of india. When i lived there, clean water was still a small problem even though we were in the mid to upper class. We had to get a new filter every 5 months because it got dirty. I think that a new, more efficient, cheeper filter will help a lot of people who i bet never even thought of getting a filter to drink clean water. In fact, most parts of india are not as poor as people think. Some people are very rich, my dad read of an indian whose house is so large that he needs 4 golf carts to get from one end to the other.
    Here are some new questions.
    1. If you lived in india do you think you would have enough money to buy filters?
    2. What do you think would be some of the things you would spend money on the most?
    3. If you had bad water quality where you lived, how do you think you would be affected?
