Sunday, November 14, 2010

New Monkey Species Discovered In Columbia

This Article is about how a new Amazon Monkey species has been discovered in Columbia and researchers said that thursday that they believe the small, isolated population is at risk due to the cutting of the forest that is its home. This find was announced by Conversation International a group that helped finance the research in remote rain forests that until recently were considerd too dangerous for scientific work. The researchers believe that the species may be critically endangered. They estimate that there are less than 250 of the monkeys living in the forest.
I think that it is horrible that there is a possibility that these monkeys can die and or go extinct. I think that people should help save these monkeys. Even though we just discovered them we have probably been cutting down their homes and killing them without even noticing it. And if we did know this was happening i think that comeone should step in and tell the people cutting down the forests that they cant do this. Think about these questions.

1 If you had power, control, or money, how would you try to change this situation?

2 Why do you think that we have been so neglegent about the species that keep dieng because of us?

3 what are some ways that we can make living and homes more efficient and stop, or drastically slow down the rate that we cut down our forests, and hurt wildlife?


  1. This is really sad that until we discover a new species, it is facing an extinction by humans.
    I think that the U.N have to collect all the monkeys that are still in the forest and take them into a new home which they can live with no fear of extinction or some kind of organization has to intervene and try stopping the cutting of the rain forests, they are a unique forest which are also in a danger of extinction in a couple of year, we gotta stop the extinction of animals and forests.

    Some question that i came up with:
    1. What worldwide organization can come and help the endangered species?
    2.How can the average human help to stop the cutting of rain forests?
    3.Where can we put the monkeys until they are out of danger of extinction?

  2. I think that we just found out about this species and already killing it. That is why cutting down trees is so horrible to some animals homes. If I had enough money I would make and organization to stop or protect these monkeys. It is awful that no one is doing it right now. We have to stop making animals become extinct or in the future we might not have any animals left. We could even put the monkeys in special breeding houses until we regrow the forest. Just because there one part of the food chain doesn't mean it won't affect everthing else.

    3 more question....
    1. Do you think just because its only a monkey it can affect on humans?
    2. What is some research researchers could do to help these monkeys?
    3. Why do you think no one has noticed these monkeys and there extinction before?

  3. I am glad that Conversation International was able to produce funds to the scientists that wanted to research rainforests. This led to the discovery of the new Amazon monkey species. This should be a happy discovery that scientists are proud of, but instead they found that there were only 250 monkeys left in the forest. Humans were predictably the cause of these monkeys being critically endangered. This is just one of the many examples in the world that show that the activities of humans effect animals in a huge way. We are destroying animals' habitats left and right to make room for our own population. Cutting down trees is becoming one of the biggest problems in the US and the whole world, probably next to burning fossil fuels. Trees take in carbon dioxide and release the oxygen humans to survive. At the rate we are going, there will be no trees left and then our population will become extinct, just like the monkey species could.

    My answer to question 1:
    If I had power, control, and money, I would fund eco-friendly causes and start organizations dedicated to saving the environment. I might fund a cause that wants to create a substitute for paper produced by trees. I might make an organization that creates electric cars and pay for so many advertisments that the new cars become popular and less fossil fuels will be released into the atmosphere.

  4. First off I'm glad that we are now able to research these areas that were previously deemed too dangerous for research. Secondly I agree that we need to stop the cutting down of these rainforests; for more reasons than just protecting the monkeys. Not only is this an endangered species that need to be preserved so that we can learn more about it, but we also need to stop cutting down the rainforests for our own safety. We need the plant life in these rainforests to live and survive because of the oxygen that they release. We also need many of the resources that are found within these rainforests and we could be putting ourselves at a major loss if we destroy them.

    Three more questions...
    1.) Can you name another species that this might be happening too somewhere else in the world ?
    2.) Have you ever made any attempts to help prevent the killing of endangered animals or the cutting down of rainforests ?
    3.) Can you think of any reasons why cutting down the rainforests or killing species like this could MAJORLY benefit us ?
