Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nature's Biodiversity Falls Even Lower

"UN: Nature's diversity fast disappearing, harming life on Earth."

By: dpa

Date: Monday, May 10th, 2010

The third edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook has made it official that nature's biodiversity is hitting critically low levels. Due to the sinking biodiversity levels of most environments, many human services and uses of these ecosystems are going to be nonexistent. Now that the biodiversity is so low, the ecosystems are becoming so nonproductive that we no longer have any use for them. Coral reefs have no fish and less life because of overfishing, pollution, and different temperature water flow. Rain forests are being destroyed because of fires, construction, and new rain patterns caused by pollution. We as humans are destroying and changing these ecosystems too fast and the species living within them can't adapt fast enough to survive.

In my opinion, if we don't do something to help build these ecosystems back up, we'll not only be harming them, but we'll be killing ourselves. By destroying one or two species we could be completely destroying the chain of the environment and some of these ecosystems are slipping into states where there's no guarantee that we can bring them back to their original state. We won't have the trees we need to build our homes, we won't have the plants and meat we need to survive, and we won't have any of the pluses like natural gases, valuable stones, or just good things from nature that we take for granted. If we don't stop polluting and destroying our environment, we're going to lose many of our essential resources and we won't be able to get them back.

Why do you think keeping the biodiversity levels up in ecosystems is important?

What do you think we can do to help fix the environments that we've destroyed?

Is there anyone particular ecosystem that you think is failing more than any other?


  1. I agree that biodiversity levels need to increase because presently, they are way too low. Biodiversity levels are very important for any life on the planet. Having low biodiversity will create havoc in the future if we don't start getting involved to save our ecosystems now. The food chains will be corrupted and eventually it will effect humans. If the biodiversity levels continue to rapidly decrease, there will be no life on earth. To help fix environments that we've destroyed, humans have to really cut back on cutting down trees, oil, waste, etc. We can adapt to having almost everything on computers, using an alternate energy source, and recycling. Humans have to make an effort to keep biodiversity levels high.

  2. I completely agree that the biodiversity is way to low! It is ridiculus that we barely have a use for the eco system anymore. We need to start trying to preserve them. Keeping the biodiversity level high is so important. The reason we need to is so the environment stays in balance. We have stop destorying and start helping. We need to bulid trees where the rain forests have been burned down. We need to stop littering so the oceans will we more clean for the ocean life. We need to take action!

  3. you are absolutely right! human being are by itself trying to destroy the beautiful world that we live in by making money and spilling oil into the ocean which kills the fish population, soon there won't be any fish let in sea then what we will do? the biodiversity in the sea is dying and we have to keep an eye for it and try to stop the people who are damaging our house, planet earth.

    in this web page they are talking about a new act which will stop the disappearing of the biodiversity in the world.

    my question is : can the government try to change the ways that factories work? spilling oil into the ocean. who can stop it from happening?

  4. I think you are defineately hitting home with this article. If we keep on destroying our own earth there is no way any other species will be able to live in it, including humans. We need to start caring and helping the environment or else we wont be able to do anything about it and we will be waiting until the day that the Earth is uninhabitable.

    Keeping the biodiversity levels up is really important. If plants and animals die we will have no air to breathe and no animals to provide us food.

    I think the ecosystems close in similarity to forests are going to be gettig hit hard. There are jmst more and more people on earth and we will have to keep on building houses and places for people to shop, live, and eat. The ecosystems close to us that can provide us all of that are th woods which will be cut down to make buildings.
