Monday, September 13, 2010

China's population grows 420million

In china, in the last year there has been an increase of close to 36 million more people on the internet and on phones in china alone. China's population is over 1.6 billion people and is growing more and more every year. Out of this, surveys said that about 277million people get on the internet with their phones. The governmnet thinks that this will be a problem. Communist governments around china do not like this because they are used to a very tight hold over information and do not want it flying around so freely.

Do you think that the large increas of population is somthing to be worried about in the future?

Will the communist governments do somthing in order to gain control over information again?

If you had say in what would happen what are some of your thoughts and ideas on this topic?

By: Shalin Amin


  1. In my opinion, China is over-populated. China should create a law enforcing a restriction on how many children each family can have. I definately believe China's population is something to worry about in the future. Since China has so many people, there will be too much pollution! I also think the community could make an effort to decrease the population and watch how many children they have.

  2. My opinion about this article is, that china is amazingly over populated if they have 1.6 billion people!! thats much more than the U.S population.
    The communist party of china must change their ways and give much more freedom to it's people.
    about your first question my opinion is that, all the problems in the world comes from over population if the number of Chinese people would increase i think we should all worry because more people, less fish and more people, less oil. the Chinese government already published a new policy which called "the one baby policy", that forbid new couple to have more than one baby in each family, thats the article about the new policy

  3. I definitely think that China's overpopulation is a serious issue. Seeing that we have problems with depleting resources now, if we have countries that are that overcrowded, our resources are just going to keep dwindling. And it would also just add to the already outrageous amount of pollution we have in the world - including China. Also, although I don't know how I would feel about making a law about the number of children you're allowed to have, it seems like at the moment that's the only resonable solution to the problem.

  4. I think that China's overpopulation needs to be considered kinda dangerous for the world. With all the economic problems in the world that's not helping. 420 million is a lot of people to feed and shelter, sometime(without anything being done) the world will be hurt. I think that the one baby per family is something that had to be done. I'm not saying that I agree with it but something had to change. I'm sure that the government of China is trying to figure out a way to deal and help this work out.
