Tuesday, September 21, 2010

By: William Yardley
Published Sept 16, 2010
Grizzly bears have been called endangered since 1975. They have not been sighted in the North Cascadas since 1996. Explorers are going out and exploring weather grizzy bears still exsist in this area. Some people disagreeeon the fact that bringing grizzlies should come back into this area. They think it will bring more conflict than ever. Farmers think they are a danger to people and to animals. A bear in the wild is not the same as a loveable stuffed teddy bear at home. For thirty years the government has been working on this endangered species population in Idaho, Montana, Washington, and Wyoming. One to two million dollars have been put aside for helping these bears in these states.
I am so happy that someone is taking a notice to things like this. One or two million dollars is a lot of money but I honestly think its worth it! Endangered species argurments can go on forever but I am a strong believer that sometimes its humans fault for animals going extinct. These types of bears used to be hunted before they became endangered and protected by the state. They are a part of the food chain and the eco-system. We need to keep them around!
Do you think that grizzles should be brought back into these areas?
What do you think about all this money going to endangered species?
Do you think about the food chain? Are grizzles important?


  1. I definately think that humans should try to save the grizzly bear species. They are a predator in our ecosystem and if they were to die, it would make the environment in which they live become unbalanced. Other species in the ecosystems that may have been prey of the grizzlies will start to rapidly increase in population. Then the other species in the ecosystem will have to compete for food and space with that species. I think the money that goes into saving this endangered species is well spent because humans probably had a fairly large impact on the grizzlie populaiton. Humans probably hunted them too much or cut down their habitats, so we need to fix what we destroyed.

  2. I think that Girizzlies should definitely be brought back into the area since they belonged there in the first place, however, we do have to make sure that we reintroduce them slowly, as not to disrupt the ecosystem that it is now. However, I think that bringing them back could help the environment itself, the food chain, and the Grizzlies. And I also like the idea of that mnuch money going to endangered species. They can't help what WE'VE done to them, and it's our job to fix it. It's definitely a good thing that someone has taken the path towards bring back certain species and fixing our environment.

  3. I agree with the people who said that its not good to bring them again to this area, because first it might hurt the people and the biodiversity that is in the area. The grizzly bears would eat all the food that belongs to the native species and by than hurt the biodiversity.

    about your questions:
    1.I don't think they should bring the bears again to this area because it might hurt the balance and the biodiversity in the area and might cause more damage than help.
    2.I think it is very important to try help the endangered species that they won't go extinct, and hurt the balance of earth, i think they should keep those species in a safe and remote area that people won't be able to hurt them.
    3.grizzly bears are important for the food chain because they kill animals that may eventually hurt people or damage the way we live so they are very important for biodiversity and we should keep them around.

  4. I think that it would be bad to get rid of things that we call a nuisence in our everyday life. I think we should make a huge sanctuary for endangerd species. If we got to know animals more than mabye we wouldnt hate them so much. Even though financially it is not very easy to do we should spend money in helping animals for it is a problem to all nations around the world.

    I think all of the money spent on this is a great cause and better money spent than making bombs and weapons to fight other nations over stupid pointless conflicts.

    I think bears are at or close to the very top of the food chain. I would not want them to go extinct because we learn a lot from them. They are at the top of the food chain but they dont only eat living things. A lotof a bears diet comes from berries and nuts. I hope people do all they can to save the bears and not take any species for a nuisence or take it for granted.
