Monday, December 13, 2010

In Global Forecast, China Looms Large as Energy User and Maker of Green Power

By: Clifford Krauss

China is the single country that can influence the rest of the world to use various renewable energies. China accounts for 17% of the world's energy consumption toady and by 2035 they will be accountable for 22%. China has surpassed the US and has become the largest energy user. The growing need for energy that China has is producing not only coal plants, but also wind and hydroelectric power that is good for our environment. China is investing in renewable energies around the globe. Beijing will be able to lift many people into the middle class if they keep on pushing to produce more energy. China is going to produce electric cars and their prices of oil are substantially higher than those in the United States. China's decisions will affect everyone in the world and they might create the revolution to cleaner energies like solar, wind, nuclear, and advanced coal. Oil prices will rise in the future and oil, natural gas, and coal will still be the main sources of energy over renewable resources. However, the need for renewable energy will only increase. Global energy demand growth revolves around developing countries like China and India.
I think that China has the potential to really make an impact on not only the health of our environment, but the whole world's way of life. Today, we use energy constantly and if China chooses to become a nation where they use mostly renewable energies, most likely every other nation will do the same. China is the biggest contributor to the production and use of energy. They have the power to change the way we live into a better way that will help future generations.

3 Questions:

1. Do you think that by 2035 we will still be as dependent on oil, natural gas, and coal as we are now? Why?

2. What renewable resource mentioned in the text do you think is going to be the most efficient? Which do you think will be the most popular?

3. Do you think China will work hard to continue making big strides to become an energy efficient nation and to influence other nations to follow their lead?


  1. China is the country which has the biggest production rate in the world, everywhere we look nowadays it says "Made In China" so by that we already know that the only country that can affect the world opinion is China, if they would make renewable energy than people would use this energy. I think that china should start make conversations about the renewable energy because if we won't know what kind of energy will the would use as a replacement for Fossil Fuels than after fossil fuels would be over than human will be in problem

    I'm adding a link to a website which explains that reneable energy law which was passesd in 2005 and there it explains that China would try to use as many renewable energy as possible and make the use of fossil fuels to a minimal use.
    the link:

  2. I agree with Lior when he said that China has such an impact on the world, and that includes the environment. If China makes the switch now that could have such a great impact on everything, because then other countries would eventually have to switch to use the things China is making. Fossil fuels are killimg our world and I think everyone should take that into account.
    Question #1
    I think by 2035 we won't be as dependent on fossil fuels as we are now because more and more people will start to reliaze how much it is hurting our earth and want to switch

  3. I think that based on the amount of energy consumption that China has, if they make the switich now, then the rest of the world may be inclined to follow suit. When such a large portion of our energy is used by a country as large as China, if they can find a way to depend on an alternate energy source, then other countries willl be able to too.

    In answer to question one, I think that we won't rely on things as much in the years that come because we honestly won't be able to afford it. The prices are going to go up as the amount lowers and we're going to be forced to find another source to rely on.

  4. I agree, i think that because china has such a large population, that is they make the switch, then it will make a big difference. especially because this change could cause other contries and nations to change themselves. If this happens, then china, one of the most polluting coutries, lessens their pollution, then it will set a large example for other counbtries to follow.

    Question 1. i dont think that by 2035 we will be depending on fossil fuels. I believe this mostly because either we will run out or there will be another source of energy.
